The Mascot Collection

The mascots for every SSAGO club

Possibly one of the stranger aspects of SSAGO is the existence of mascots! There are both national and club mascots, with each club having to declare at least one mascot that can be kidnapped.

Some clubs have more than one mascot, with older and more sentimental ones kept for memories. Many of the club mascots take the form of a cuddly toy.

The mascots listed on this page are kidnappable mascots, a little fun rivalry between SSAGO clubs. Mascots can be kidnapped at any time during a SSAGO event, although they may not be forcefully taken from a person looking after it. It may only be taken if the mascot is left un-attended or if handed over to someone accidentally.

Clubs or groups who have had their mascot kidnapped can get it back at the next opening or closing ceremony of a national rally (whichever ceremony comes first, i.e. if stolen on Friday night of rally it would be the opening ceremony, if stolen on Saturday night it would be the closing ceremony). Those who have kidnapped the mascot are responsible for setting a suitable forfeit for the club or group to carry out in order to get their mascot back.

Exec Mascots

The National Exec have their own set of mascots, which are non-stealable.

Mascot Description Owner Group Stealable Mascot Picture
Brian Brian is a Beaver called Brian. Some say this is because the Chair has the mentality of a Beaver; the Chair responds by blowing a raspberry. Chair (Jack Woodward) SSAGO Exec Non-stealable
Rex Rawr! Rex O'Saurus, the Secretary’s mascot, is a t-rex; despite his short arms he loves to keep a close eye on minutes, email and policy. Beware of his sharp teeth! Secretary (Grace Hinks) SSAGO Exec Non-stealable
Money Bunny Money Bunny is the oldest and riches of the mascots. She's quite fragile, but now contains real money (€0.10 to be exact). Treasurer (Katie Waters) SSAGO Exec Non-stealable
Harold Harold The Hedgehog is the mascot of the SSAGO membership officer, he loves to adventures around the county. Members Officer (Anna Matthews) SSAGO Exec Non-stealable
Percival Percival the Platypus is the SSAGO exec mascot in the care of the Publicity officer; known for his balance, softness and his joie de vivre! Publicity Officer (Lucy Smith) SSAGO Exec Non-stealable

Assistant Mascots

In 2017, the Exec allowed their assistants to have their own national mascots, although with one condition: That they are stealable!

Mascot Description Owner Group Stealable Mascot Picture
Wiggle Wiggle The Mouse is a mischevious little friend who likes to help, but is always sure to cause a little trouble as she goes! Webmaster (Oliver Bills) Assistants Stealable
*Mascot Pending* TBC Events (Rose Moran) Assistants Stealable *picture pending*
Merch Monkey Keeping an eye on the SSAGO shop and kit is the Merch Monkey. Quartermaster (Joe Olynec-Barnes) Assistants Stealable *picture pending*
Maurice Being the last of his kind, Maurice The Dodo super cuddly and sure likes to travel a lot and make new friends! International  Assistants Stealable
Agnes Always overseeing the archivist is Agnes Owl. Named after Baden Powell's sister, she likes going on adventures to places of old, exploring interesting pieces of history. She enjoys camping - partiuarly pertched on a tree, watching everyone having fun. Archivist (Charlotte Simmons) Assistants Stealable

Club Mascots

ClubStealable MascotMascot Picture

Aberystwyth Student Scout and Guide Organisation

Idris the Dragon (middle) is our stealable Mascot. He replaced our previous stealable mascots in 2014. Our president is in charge of looking after him normally, but at rally's you might find him with any of our members.

Idris' chums; Mary the Badger (left) and James the Sheep (right) also come along to events but are non-stealable (they're just too precious!). They are looked after by out vice-president and secretary.

We also have Anwen the Dragon and Siôn the Niffler, they are non-stealable for the time being. They are looked after by our quartermaster and treasurer.

All our mascots wear club neckers in miniature form.

Bangor University Guides and Scouts

Boris. Jr, Male, 23cm, Single, Bi, Boris is the mascot of our society. He was found in the deepest darkest cave in Eryri and is descended from the first spider. He has been to Switzerland, Japan and is spending this summer at camp in America. and has a taste for dressing up. looking for love no real preference but the more legs the better.

Bath University Guides and Scouts

Wurzel can be seen on all BUGS hoodies and is not only our mascot, but also suspiciously similar to our logo.

Birmingham Universities Scouts And Guides

Scarface (non-stealable) - Our main mascot dates back to 1975, when he was purchased at a Rally and now belongs to the current Chair at any time. He is currently on his fifth face and is quite old so he is not stealable! Scarface also has a mascot's mascot Freddo from Chocolate Rally 2019 (also non-stealable).

Pangaea (non-stealable) - During a cupboard clear out in 2020 this little womble was found in a pan! She has an uncertain background so she will be joining our members on their exciting trips!

The Rest of the Wombles! (stealable) - Each committee member now has their own womble! These include Orinoco, Tobermory, Alderney, Bungo, Stepney, Tomsk and Great Uncle Bulgaria

Cambridge University Scout and Guide Club

Current Mascot (stealable, pictured): Whimsy - a small duck with a very fetching 'bum hat'. Whimsy attends the majority of our meetings and lives with our chair.

Mascot Emeritus (non-stealable): Whispy - a large duck who has been with the club for many years. He is currently enjoying his retirement living with one of our fogies but often shows his face at our two annual service events and our annual dinner.

Durham University Scout and Guide Group

Mole (born 1987) is the main mascot who lives with the club President, and well loved by all of DUSAGG past and present. He is steal-able!
The rest of the exec mascots are unstealable!

Mini Mole is looked after by the Secretary, and has two formal outfits as well as day wear.

Roger is a sheep with some questionable attire, whom the Events Secretary looks after.

Wolfie is the mascot for our Treasurer.

Hamish the Hedgehog is the Social Sec mascot, as well as the Social Sec pint glass!

Duncan the Highland Cow and Tawny Owl are the mascots for the Liaisons Officers!

We are also jointly responsible for the Viking Rally mascot, Bjørn the Bear. We share custody with NUSSAGG!

Edge Hill SSAGO

Kevin, the Octopus of Ormskirk, always comes prepared to meetings with his necker and badges in tow. He was shipwrecked from nearby Southport and taken in by our lovely members, hence the eyepatch and hat! He loves participating in all our activities, whether that be a scavenger hunt, bowling or campfire!


Glasgow SSAGO

I'm Hamish, the loveable highland cow. I was born in February 2018 and am Glasgow’s unstealable mascot.

I’m Conker and I’m Glasgow SSAGO’s Stealable Mascot!! I was found at the side of a Road on the way to Rally in February 2019 and taken in by them!! I love meeting new people so can’t wait to meet everyone!!

Huddersfield Student Scouts and Guides

Meet Terrance! He's a Yorkshire Terrier and loves wide games, hikes and campfires!

Independent Members

Our current stealable mascot is Indigo. She likes going to SSAGO events, meeting new people, and hugs!

Indiana, our original mascot, is now unstealable and is looking forward to attending Rally without the fear of being stolen.


Our mascot is Scruffy Squirrel, he's nuts about scouting and guiding!
Scruffy enjoys camping, train journeys and hitching a lift on our members neckers! He also likes to wear a bell earing to warn his club if he is being stolen.

Kernow SSAGO

Our stealable mascot is Patsy the Pasty! She has a non-stealable girlfriend in the form of Penny the Penryn Pirate Pasty, who wears a pirate hat rather than a miner's flat cap. Check out their adventures on our Instagram!


ShiT (Tim around children) is a big red woollen spider with pipe-cleaner legs. He is very old and wise and fragile which makes him completely un-stealable. You will meet with significant resistance if you attempt to take him. ShiT has now retired due to old age and lives with our president full time, however he sometimes makes an appearance at special events!
CaChi is our new mascot and is also a big red woollen spider, and despite him being a lot younger than ShiT he is still incredibly fragile, which means he is also un-stealable.
ShiT's babies are stealable, they're much smaller multi-coloured pom-pom spiders and are carried by Lancaster SSAGO members, We're not huge fans of mascot stealing because we lovingly make our own mini-ShiTs so please be nice to us!


Oscar Tentpole - A fluffy grey and white owl with a LUUSAG necker on - Held by the President - Stealable - Middle
Ollie Flowertower - A small round owl with a LUUSAG Necker and Jumper - Stealable - Held by the Secretary - Left
Olivia Kings - A larger brown fluffy owl with a burgundy and green jumper on - Unstealable - Held by the Treasurer - Right

Lincoln University Guides and Scouts

Our Mascot Name: Powell
Favourite Camp Song: There Was A Crazy Moose
Born: 01/02/2019
Favourite Rally: Nottingham Outlaw Rally (their first!)
Status: Unstealable

Our Mascot Name: Tuesday Bunny
Favourite Camp Song: The Pirate Song
Born: 25/11/2023
Favourite Rally: Lincoln (Medieball)
Status: Stealable

Liverpool Universities' SSAGO

Our stealable mascot is Boris!
Boris is a Lambanana - did you know he was once called Keith?
Baaris is a sheep trying to be a banana - as Baaris she wears a banana skin. She is Barriss when not wearing the banana skin. Baaris is non-stealable.


SCOGUI Bear - Our Unstealable Mascot who is rather old and well loved.
BOO BOO Bear - The old gits don't like him and he has been on many adventures, his favourite place to hide is up a tree.


Our mascot is Beeden Powell, a very cute Manchester bee.

Newcastle Universities Student Scout and Guide Group

We have 4 and a half mascots.

The half mascot is Bjørn the Bear (he/him, pictured at the front) who is looked after jointly with DUSAGG, and represents Viking Rally. He can be found flaunting a SSAGO coloured shield and viking hemlet! Now that Viking Rally is over, he's of historical significance, so can't be stolen.

Our main stealable mascot is Sally the Seahorse (she/her, pictured on the left); she's so important it even got it's club necker before anyone else! We also have Baloo (unstealable) , also known as Stor Bjørn, who is the Djungelskog bear (they/them, pictured at the back) for all those cuddling needs! Next up is Bagheera (unstealable) (they/them, pictured at the bottom); Baloo (unstealable) needs somewhere to rest their legs occasionally after all!

Our un-stealable mascot is Leo the Lion (he/him, pictured on the right), who can be found sporting a Newcastle University jumper.
We also have Tim the giraffe named after our former founding president. He is unstealable otherwise Tim would be very angry.

Also pictured is Armstrong, the mascot for Space Rally, which we are hosting in Autumn 2025!

Our mascots (or at least Sally & Leo, as the OGs) also have their own Instagram account over at @nussaggsallyandleo


Floozy Duck: cute, fluffy and yellow, she enjoys rainy weather, muddy puddles and going on plenty of adventures with SNoGS (non stealable)

Suzie Duck: the product of Boozy and Floozy’s sudden marriage, Suzie is a tiny, little duckling, that was birthed during our society photos (non stealable)

Boozy Duck: he enjoys going on adventures with SNoGS before returning back to the nest with his new wife Floozy (stealable)

Oxford University Scout and Guide Group

Erik the Panda (non-stealable)

Erik the Panda is our society mascot. He joined the group in 1974, and has been with us ever since. He regularly comes along to meetings and on our trips. Erik's birthday is celebrated each year on Pancake Day, and due to his old age he is no longer stealable.

Squid (stealable)

Squid is a rainbow octopus and our new stealable mascot! They were made by our very own Elizabeth in 2019, complete with matching miniature necker. They can also be called Squidge for short. We celebrate their birthday on Halloween.

Plymouth University Guides and Scouts

Olave (Left) is our stealable mascot with a very cute duck Woggle

Twiggle (Right) is our unstealble mascot with a lovely starfish Woggle

Portsmouth SSAGO

Paddy the Pug is our newest addition and stealable mascot, who belongs to the fresher rep!
Pablo Pug is our Chair's mascot. He has a necker and PUGS jacket complete with badge.
Russ the Frog is our oldest mascot, representing the secretary. He is a small frog that (sometimes) croaks!
Jonny Duck is small, yellow, and is our treasurer's mascot.
Pugwena is our other Pug. She has a purple hoodie and a collar, and is our social sec's mascot.
Baden is a bear and our Scout Rep mascot named after the founder of scouting, he has an i.scout hoodie
Olave is our other bear, she is our Guide rep mascot named after one of the founders of Girlguiding and has a Guiding T-shirt.

Salford Student Scout And Guide Organisation

Meet Count Nacho Lion III who is our stealable mascot!

Scouts and Girl Guides York

Our stealable mascot is Jorvik, an all-powerful wizard who will one day rule us all! Our other mascots are Gossy and Alfie. Alfie is a (hopefully not cursed) painting of a boy and Gossy is a cuddly goose. Gossy is strictly non-stealable as she is fragile and carries great emotional value.

Sheffield StinGS

Our main mascot is Bertie. Stealable mascots are; Pornograbee, Wednesday, Moon Bee, Phoebee, Chimpanbee, Ey Up, Gwenyn. We also have Grandfather Bee and Sheep Bee who are non stealable because they are old.

Southampton SSAGO

Phil: Non-stealable, retired mascot. Looks like a male dolphin. Baas when shaken (sometimes).
Phillipa: Stealable, current mascot. Looks like a female dolphin. Wears a flower.
The Number 10 Bin: Temporarily stealable, Southampton City Council bin with a faint No. 10 on the front. May contain recycling!


Our mascot Alex the axolotl is the most important member of our society. Alex has been through some troubling times with his environmental science degree. Poor Alex has been so preoccupied with his underworld side hustles that he is retaking his second year for the 4th time. We are all here to get Alex through his degree.

Swansea University Guides and Scouts

After an unfortunate firework related injury, Minty is joining Derek in retirement and handing on the baton of SUGS' stealable mascot to their daughter, Gwen. She has been thoroughly trained by her parents on how to avoid capture (you can try and steal Gwen, but wool do everything we can to get her back) and even has a camp blanket for style points. The family enjoy grazing on the grass in Singleton Park, and having sheepy nights in. Derek, Minty and Gwen are looking forward to meeting "ewe" at Rally, so please don't be sheepish!

Struggling to tell our sheep apart? From right to left we have: Derek, who wears a small SUGS Scarf; Gwen, who has a cosy camp blanket; and Minty, who has a *stylish* tramp stamp of their name. All through have matching beanies for chilly camps.

After an "accidentally formal" vote at 2021's AGM, we also have another mascot since then - Maddie the Cockerpoo, belonging to our member Jen. She is very much NOT STEALABLE.


🐇 Mush the Rabbit, is our Non-Stealable mascot. UEA is famous for its rabbits, but Mush is definitely the best rabbit on campus! You may be wondering why he is called Mush, well, at our first SSAGO goes to spoons event, we received a large amount of Mushy Peas😆

🦜Colman the Canary, is our Steal-able mascot! For those football fans out there you might recognise the Canary from the Norwich City F.C. logo! His name Colman refers to the mustard brand, which is manufactured here in Norwich!

University of Bristol Guides and Scouts

Herbert III (right) is a polar bear. He is named after Herbert II, the former mascot of the old UOBGAS (himself named after Herbert, the first mascot).

Norbert (left) is our steal-able mascot. You may find him in pockets, rucksacks or even the odd pound shop.

Warwick University Guides and Scouts

Roger the Bear is our unstealable mascot, he has a camp blanket that displays all his badges. He enjoys coming to all our meetings and he loves a campfire.

Woggle (president), Dumbo (Social Sec), Absinthe (treasurer), Winifred (VP) and Herbert (comms) the elephants are our stealable mascots. They are each looked after by an exec member.


Our mascot is an adorable Hampshire Pig;
He smart,
He loyal,
He is Sir Oinksalot.

Worcester SSAGO

Currently, we are looking for a mascot....

York St John Scouts and Guides (SaintSSAGO)

Our current stealable mascot is Riberto the grumpy rain frog! His hobbies include sitting on wet rocks and being grumpy.